Safeguarding |
Our Parish values and encourages the participation of children in our church, and recognises the importance of Child Safeguarding in line with current legislation. We have been appointed as Parish Safeguarding Representatives and have undergone the required training by the Dublin Archdiocese. Our responsibilities include:
The inaugural meeting of the Diocesan Safeguarding Committee was opened by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin in January 2013. It shows the diocese’s further commitment to promoting the involvement and participation of children in the life of the Church in Dublin. The Diocesan Child Safeguarding Statement sets out the safeguarding policy and principles of the Diocese. The Committee prepares a three-year strategic plan, and its remit has been extended to include vulnerable adults. The role of the Committee is supportive and developmental. Speaking at the inaugural meeting Archbishop Martin said: “Child safeguarding is not yesterday’s issue but one that belongs to our today and to our tomorrow. It is really about how we as Catholic Christians respect the lives of the youngest and most vulnerable. Child safeguarding is a truly pro-life witness, about a Jesus who reminded all of us that children are a sign of the Kingdom of God and that therefore our attitude to children tells a lot about our understanding of the Kingdom of God.” Gaye Duke and Denis Smith |