Preparing for Christmas

Advent is a time of waiting, a time of anticipation and preparation for the coming of Jesus. There are many ways to get ready for Christmas. One way is through a Jesse Tree.

A Jesse Tree is a tree branch decorated with symbols representing the stories of people in Jesus’ family tree. In Isaiah we read, “A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots”. Jesse was the father of David, Israel’s greatest king. And it was from David’s lineage that Jesus came. That’s where the idea of using a Jesse Tree to celebrate Advent came from. The symbols on the Jesse Tree trace the family tree of Jesus by reflecting the generations from Abraham all the way through to Jesus.


Another way to prepare for Christmas is through an Advent wreath. It is made in the form of a ring, which is a symbol of eternity, since it has no beginning and no end. Each week, we light one more candle. Three of the candles are purple to symbolise both penitence and royalty – Christ as the Prince of Peace. Rose is the colour for the third Sunday of Advent, known as Gaudete Sunday from the Latin word ‘rejoice’. The white candle in the centre symbolises Christmas.


The first candle can represent the Old Testament prophets, who prepared the way of the Lord, by emphasising the need to prove our love of God with action for justice.

The second candle can be a symbol of John the Baptist, who prepared for the new beginning in Christ, by living a life of great simplicity. We also can simplify our lives this Advent, getting rid of excess. Christmas is a celebration of the greatest event in the history of the world. The birth of Jesus offered a new beginning to the world, a new way of life.

The third candle can be a reminder of Mary, who made a perfect response of faith to God’s challenge. The Annunciation was really a question to Mary: “Will you bring Christ into the world?” Mary said yes. Today each of us is called to follow Christ, and we are challenged by the same question Mary was asked: “Will you bring Christ into the world?”

The fourth candle can represent ourselves and our families. Our prayer is that God will inspire us anew this Christmas, that Christ will be born again in our hearts, and that his light will shine out to others through us. We promise to make a fresh start in our faith.



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Building Hope
Pilgrim God, we give you thanks and praise.
You constantly journey with us even in our darkness and doubts.
We seek your way of loving kindness to walk together as one family.
Open our eyes to recognise you in the faces of one another,
in the breaking of bread and in the splendour of creation.
May the risen Christ sow seeds of hope and new life deep within us.
May our hearts and minds be filled with your Word, bringing forth truth, justice and peace.
May the Holy Spirit working in and through us do much more
than we can dare to imagine as we live out our baptismal calling in humble and loving service.
We make this our prayer through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.
St Laurence O’Toole, pray for us.
St Kevin, pray for us.
St Brigid, pray for us.

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