Papal award for Edith |
For over 60 years, Edith has served our parish faithfully in many different voluntary roles, including acting as door-to-door collector, church cleaner, keyholder and Eucharistic minister. In more recent years, we have all come to rely on her dedicated commitment as sacristan. Benemerenti Medals are bestowed to individuals who have merited special recognition by the Holy See. The Medals are Pontifical decorations instituted by Gregory XVI in 1832, and are conferred to people for distinguished service to Catholic principles, the Church and society – to those who have shown an active fidelity to and love for the Church. The medal is worn on the breast, suspended by ribbons of the papal colours. It is a gold Greek cross depicting the image of Christ, His hand raised in blessing. On the left of the transverse arm of the cross is a depiction of the tiara and crossed keys, and to the right is the shield of the Pope and his motto. On the reverse is the word Benemerenti, which means “good merit”. The award is accompanied by a certificate in Latin, which may be translated as follows: THE SUPREME PONTIFF, BENEDICT XVI, |